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Boero Altura Silk, polyurethane varnish, satin, single-component, ideal for hardwoods.

16,90 €

Culto, la carta da parati ideata da Cristiana Masi dove la ricerca creativa si basa su temi come artigianalità, paesaggio e architetture Mediterranee, miscelando il mondo degli intrecci tessili, degli elementi murali e di quelli vegetali in un abile eclettismo figurativo e culturale, al fine di raccontare la nostra società e identificare il gusto del...

50,40 €

Flora, the wallpaper designed by Cristiana Masi, for a home where plants celebrate their triumph and the domestic environment opens up to dreamy nature for "Innovating starting from what has always existed: NATURE".

33,60 €

CasaMood, the wallpaper devised by Cristiana Masi, for a home where to relax, recharge us and feel comfortable through the color and the design.

39,60 €

CasaMood, the wallpaper devised by Cristiana Masi, for a home where to relax, recharge us and feel comfortable through the color and the design.

39,60 €

Amazzonia, il nuovo parato di stile essenziale per rinnovare il legame con la Natura attraverso tessuti puri e linee pulite.

38,80 €

Amazzonia, il nuovo parato di stile essenziale per rinnovare il legame con la Natura attraverso tessuti puri e linee pulite.

38,80 €

The colors of this stain will enhance the natural beauty of the wood, protecting it from the attack of atmospheric agents and UV rays, with the exception of the transparent version, since free of iron oxides. The impregnation is RGxx80 makes the wood water-repellent and gives homogeneity to the surface.

14,99 €

White Stucco in the dust, shavings and fills, specific for the internal addition of the microspheres.

21,90 €

Sample Revolution, the revolution of the system of the sale of the Paintings Creative.

85,40 €

Smart Stripes 2 G67521 Carta da Parati in Tessuto Non Tessuto (TNT).

39,90 €
Showing 481 - 492 of 792 items