Before buying a good or service with 60% of online users, and rightly, see the comments filed in the network from those who have already experienced the object of their desire. According to the data that emerge from the Global Web Index in 2012, about 60% of consumers worldwide would have commented on a product on the Internet once bought. And 89% would be satisfied with.
Unfortunately, land fake reviews are a phenomenon that is rampant in the world of e-commerce and users, more and more informed, are aware of this and therefore are more likely to observe much more carefully both the positive and negative reviews.
For this reason EdilParatiAcilia, entrusts the management of the reviews to an external company, the Feedaty.
Feedaty offers a Seal of “Opinion Certificate”, which guarantees to consumers that the reviews coming from the site EdilParatiAcilia, regarding the products and services come only from real customers, and have been collected with impartiality.
Feedaty does not collect the free comments of the sailors, but through a mailing system requires an opinion directly to those who buy a particular product in such a way as to make sure that the reviews come exclusively from those who have actually tested the product or service in discussion.
EdilParatiAcilia has accepted this new challenge, confident and proud of their professionalism and reliability, offering once again the customer ahead of everything.