Spatula Stuhhi is a polished plaster, natural, long-maturing, high quality; marble powders and additives make the product high adhesion to the substrate and excellent smoothness at the time of application, reaching the finish quickly. It is an innovative product, but that comes from the Venetian culture in the traditional sector of the stucco and shiny and that has been modified and adapted to the current needs of colorations and speed of installation.

Spatula Stuhhi allows for maximum breathability, resists the aggression and alkaline by its nature is a very good anti-mould and bactericide; and the continuous process of carbonation ensures an excellent resistance to humidity. Ideal consumption in the 3 Hands: 1 kg per sqm.

The product in its normal version is not washable. In fact, its best feature is the breathability. In areas where it is necessary to lavabilitá we recommend protecting it with Wax of the Old.

Drying time
Negotiable after ca. 12-14 hours at +20 °C (293 K) and with a humidity of 65%. Drying total after 28 days.

Consumption: Primer Natural 150/200 gr/sq m, Spatula Stuhhi 700/1000 grams/sqm.

Source: Catalogue “Spatula Stuhhi” Giorgio Graesan


1. Apply Spatula Stuhhi Primer Natural.2. Prepare the dye with the colors shown in the sample and allow to stand for 24 hours; mix with the whisk.3. 1st hand: when laying the product relaxes making it easy for this work.
4. 2° coat: the surface is dry and absorbent for a shave smooth, requirement ideal for an excellent third hand.5. 3rd hand: a trick for easy polishing consists in mixing Spatula Stuhhi to make it more liquid.6. Here is the picture of the 2 different textures. Especially for the third coat use special spatulas Graesan.
7. Now the product will penetrate into every crevice, and with a slight pressure the surface will be completely smooth. We apply...8. ...and remove the Spatula Stuhhi to about 1 square meter and...9. 30 seconds, using the spatula, well clean, good luck as well. Moving on to the mq next we will superimpose to the previous elininando so any sign of the seam.